
 Greetings marvelous made, unique, beautiful queens, daughters. How is everyone doing? I pray all is well with you. Today is a beautiful day, and I am doing just fine. Whatever you are feeling and going through just know that no matter what the circumstances are you are loved, and you are worthy. Keep going even when the pressure, overwhelmed, trails, storms, tribulations, etc. You will come out of the other side with a rainbow you got this. Just know that God, and I believe in you no matter what. Keep shining like the bright rubies that you are. I read this inspiring devotional and I wanted to share it with each and every one of you. Here it is: You are uniquely loved because you were uniquely created. Unique means the sole example of, prototype or only one, and, my favorite definition, without equal or rival. Our Father God stands alone, without rivals, so we shouldn't be surprised that in his eyes, we are daughters without rivals. This eliminates every reason that we should ever compete with one another. You are the only example of you! You are the beginning and the end of you. There is no rival for the way you express God's love to others or for the way he expresses his love to you. No one can do you like you! God uniquely created your DNA and knots your frame in secret, so he surprises the world. He authored how your heart expresses itself; he was the architect of your smile and the melody of your voice; he made all your features with the fondest thoughts of only you in mind. He celebrated along with your parents your smile and watched with affection your first steps. Our God is intimate. He knows our fears and speaks directly into our spirits. When you can run and hide in him, he will speak the truth to the most initiative places of your heart: You are so much more than what you or others can see or touch. You are so much more than what you've known or done. You are so much more than what others think about yourself. You could never be accurately measured by what you own or lack. You are more than the span of your years, and you cannot be tethered to the adages of young of old. You are more than single, divorced, windowed, or married. You are far more than your gender. You are a child of the eternal realm. Because of this tender, intentional care, there are multiple facets of your life that express love uniquely. He wove all these exceptional aspects and specific talents into the package of you, his daughter. He didn't have another daughter in mind when he fashioned you... you are his delight. WOW! When I read this devotional, I was so inspired because it is the truth only one you. We shouldn't have to compare ourselves to others. compete, or teach each other down. We should be lifting each other up, encouraging one another, love one another. We all have a purpose, a destiny, talents, and abilities. Imagine how it will be if we all be built together brick by brick. It will be harmony, love, and peace. Sit there and think about it. Until next time love always Princess Muriel.


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