Embracing My Father Love
Greetings Kings, Queens, Sons, Daughters, Children, Unbelief, doubts, distance, brokenhearted, etc. Whatever category you are in I want to say welcome. I pray that this post will uplift you. I know that it has been a minute since I did a blog post. To be humble, open, and transparent with you It has been a while since I have written anything. I gave up on writing my grateful, and prayer journals. I was very crushed inside. My candle was slowly fading away. I was not on fire for Father God, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit like I was before. I felt unworthy and hopeless so many negative thoughts were in my mind. I was even going back to old habits and familiar things just to cope instead of leaning into my father's presence. Question of the day Has anyone never had their earthly dad around or did have them around, but it was the distance? I don't know but for me I met my dad around the age of 29 or 30 I can't remember. So, it was a struggle for me and my father God. I will pull back every time from his presence and love. I will question him, and say things like why do you love me? I am a failure, I am unworthy, how can I be your princess, I am this, I am that fill in the black I said it all. I will view him and put him in a position that never changes all because I lost my mom at the age of 10 years old, meeting my dad later in life don't get me wrong I love my dad I will call and send letters I can't and won't get the life that I wanted as a dad and daughter and that is fine. People will leave me because of things that I have done, and because they are not meant to be in my life, and I am fine with that as well. As I sit back and self-reflect on things, I know that I do have a purpose each and everyone has a purpose. I know there is a reason why I am still here. Most importantly I know that my father loves me even when I fill in all the blanks. I know that his position will never ever change, a father that is dependable everlasting, wonderful, protector, abba, unfailing, endless, true unconditional love. He doesn't have a motive he just wants me the way that I am the good, the bad, the ugly, crying, healing all of it. He never judges me he says that is my daughter still, my princess whom I am well pleased, marvelously made. I am over here trying to stop crying. If you only knew. Oh sweet, precious father I love you so, so much. You are always here with me your spirit lives in me you are with me at all times. I am so very thankful to have you in my life always. I am ready to surrender 100 percent of myself, embrace the change that is coming, not lose hope, and know that you are driving, and I am right there with you. To appreciate changes is good, a little scary but all things work together for my greater good. I hope you like the image as much as I have. Have an amazing day! until next time love always. Chosen Princess