" Chosen Princess

Welcome Kings, Queens, and everyone. How is everyone's Saturday going so far? It is a glorious day. I pray all is well with you if not I am always here for you. It was a good day for me I woke up read the daily devotional, meditated, played some worship music, and had a good breakfast. I still have some curve balls trying to come my way. I am not going to let those curve balls still my happiness. I am going to share a quote that I found online I pray that it will encourage you as much as it did me. Whatever life throws at you, even if it hurts you, just be strong and fight through it. Remember, strong walls shake but never collapse. For today's blog post, I am going to be discussing how God has chosen me and discovered the identity of a chosen princess. As you all know when I finish my post for, the day I end it with the chosen princess, it is the same with my notes, and gratitude journal as well. In my previous blog post, I talked about not having a close relationship with my dad, and how we met later in my adulthood. We established a relationship where I would send him a letter in the mail, and phone calls. I know I will never get the princess treatment that I always wanted as a child. For so long I wanted to have a bond that a dad has with his daughter. You know the fantasy that we see in movies and TV shows. I had friends who had a special bond with their dad. To be open, and transparent I was a little jealous because I wanted that bond. I figure if I had that then I would know my identity, be confident in who I am, know my worth, and how I should be treated in a relationship and marriage. I put a lot of effort into different men to figure out my worth. I wouldn't say that I wasted time, energy, and years on that. It was a life lesson, and I am grateful for all of it. One day I decided to have a relationship with God. I got baptized very young, and I grew up in church. This time it was different for me because I established this relationship, and routine independently. Even though I was still a sinner I always put God first. I got tired of developing relationships with these men as my source when God is my source. I gave God my whole heart I told him I wanted to be his child, his daughter, and his princess. I thank him for being my father who is very close to me as I am to him. A father that never ever leaves me or forsaken me. A father who has shown me over and over unconditional love even when I mess up. A father who I can run to, and he will pick me up. A Father with compassion, understanding, gentleness, and patience for me. I am a piece of work and he still be right there every step of the way. He told me he chose me, and I am his princess. All I needed was him, not men. I never knew what love was at all until I developed a bond with my father, my everything. Oh, sweet precious father when I was trying to run and hide you were always there. I don't have to hide from him about anything he knows my heart, he knows everything. I am thankful to have a relationship with him seven days a week not for people, for a checklist it is because I want to. You keep uncovering your kindness, how kind you are. You're still uncovering, and I'm still discovering, I never knew a love like this, how kind you are. Shout out to Naomi Raine, and Lizzie these are the lyrics that really spoke to me the song is called Uncovering. Psalm 45:13: All glorious is the princess in her chamber, with robes interwoven with gold. Proverbs 31:30: Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Proverbs 31:31: Give her of the fruits of her hand, and let her works praise her in the gates. I wish I could spend more time going in-depth with this post. Stay plugged in with me I have a book that God has me working on called A Father's Love I will be going in-depth more. Have a magnificent week. Love always chosen princess.


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