Grateful Prayer
Grateful Prayer: Hey Heavenly Father, it is me your daughter. How are you today? Well for me I can rate myself 6 out of 10. Father, I want to say Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to see another day. Father, Thank you for allowing my family, friends, love one’s, every person who is still living across the globe, the brokenhearted, son, daughter, and the hopeless. Thank you for your joy that lives inside of me each day. I don't even know the title for this grateful prayer. I am going to stay authentic and be h.o.t. Humble, open, and transparency. Father, I know that you love me and you choose me. You know my hearts, my thoughts, my desires, my every move, you know everything. Sometimes I been wondering why did you choose me? I am not perfect at all sometimes I don't even want to call myself a Christian because I feel like that title is saying I am better then someone that they are at the bottom I am at top, I don't see color or division, I am not perfect 💯 at all. I just know that I love you Father, Brother, and Best Friend. I just know even when I messup go astray I still worship each of you. Father, Thank you for choosing me even when I am not perfect, when I don't feel equip enough you got me you are helping me to fulfill the purpose that you have for me for your glory. Thank you for providing for me and always will provide for me. Thank you for being my refuge and strong tower. Thank you for saying it is ok to see the bad in me, the good, and the things that I am working on. You tell me its ok daughter I got you, cry, scream let it out I am not like everyone else. Get out your head my child I will never walk out this door, I will never make you feel less then, every tear, I was there I feel your pain give it to me and I will pass it down to your sweet brother Jesus, who died on the cross for you and this world. Yes sis I cried on the cross and before the cross. U got you sis, I have your shattered pieces and making you whole again. But in reality you are whole even with these broken pieces because I am working in you. Because you are authentic, honest, loving, empathy, encouraging others, loving others that what makes you whole. I was in that dark place with you and bringing you to my light each day you love being drawn to my light. When others say Muriel the light I see in you comes from me but it is you sis it has always been you it's ok to take some credit. Continue to shine bright sis no matter what. Yes best friend it is me Holy Spirit you can give me all your emotions I will take it and comfort you with my sweet overflow presence. I will guide you and be the lamp to your feet. I am your defender, helper, comforter. Call upon me and I will answer I am never to busy because I live in you, I dwell in you everyday. You see it by getting up early at 4 am I am working in you as you write these prayers, blog posts, and you books. Call upon me and I will give you the knowledge to fulfill and magnify your purpose. I love you Holy Trinity I am so grateful I love you cherish you always. Until next time with love, Chosen Princess💜🦋